Saturday, June 12, 2010

“6-8 Months” Mission Statement

As an artist, I am interested in facilitating discussion and fostering a participatory environment with the project, “6-8Months” which will run from May-December 2010.

The idea for “6-8 Months” came from a series of conversations with Eungie Joo. Eungie, with 30 collaborators, including artists, writers, and curators, established a blueprint for this kind of participatory collaborative alternative space with her project “6 Months” in Los Angeles 7 years ago. The goal of her project was to create an environment, both spatially and psychologically outside of the commercial art world, including galleries, museums, and publications. The current “6-8 Months” project is inspired by the original “6 Months,” which was a success in establishing the an alternative creative outlet as well as a strong sense of community amongst many disciplines and boundaries.

I would like to include many artists of color, am interested in the idea of exploring the constraints of color and race in the American art world today. Another limitation that I believe is worth exploring is the demand placed on artists and curators by the commercial nature of the artworld.

We will have a meeting to begin this project on Tuesday May 11th at 6pm. I would like to hear from artists, curators, and other creative people involved in the arts, what they would like to do with the space. “6-8 Months” will be a collaborative and participatory project.

For example, if someone wants to make a publication, postcard, poster, or other promotion for his/her project or performance, they are welcome to do so. Exhibitions will be self-organized including installation, deinstallation, cleaning, and maintaining public hours. Everyone will use his/her own network to invite participants to present works and ideas in informal settings. Everyone involved will be able to do what they like as long as they occupy the space for no longer than one week, abide by all reasonable safety precautions (no open flames, no injurious performances etc) and return it to the condition that they received it in. Activities may include various site-specific projects, discussions, lectures, performance, dance and music events, and many short exhibitions.

I will not curate or organize events and shows that take place in “6-8 Months.” I will pay the rent, loan out the keys, and perhaps, donate a bottle of wine for the openings. I look forward to the chance to interact with young artists and others who possess an enthusiasm for collaboration and commitment to their practice.

-Kara Walker, 2010

1 comment:

  1. This is the most wonderful idea! Is it possible to discuss this further?! Brian Fernandes-Halloran
